Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

David Thomas Anderson
Marilyn Renee Arnold
Robert Thomas Barta
Linda Blanche Bebar (VanDyke)
Eilah Mae Beckman (Scaccia)
William J. Berghammer
Charlene Marie Boyer (Sypien)
James F. Brennan
Marilyn Jean Brezina
Phil Campbell
Nancy Louise Carlson (Mills)
Lynne Joanne Demlow (Davis)
Cathleen Ann Duggan (Laskov)
Barbara Elise Eickhorst (Rogers)
William Livingston Eppley
George Patrick Fiene
Annette Gieseker (Holmstrom)
Gregory John Glab
Thomas A. Gorman
Teresa Christine Grassel
Phyllis Mae Grimm
Merrylee Elizabeth Guge
Daviene Lynn Hanson
Kathryn Mary Harris (Barton)
Patricia Louise Haxel
Eric David Heckman
Susan Kay Herman
Douglas S. Hoyt
Susanne Eunice Huerta
Kurt Johansen
Dallas Edward John
Patricia John (Lewis)
Mark Ellsworth Johnson
Bruce C. Jorgensen
Carol Margaret Kalte (Bushnell)
Katherine Ann Karel
V. Maureen Keleher (Talayco)
Laurian Jeanne Keogh (Smith)
Mary Constance Kintzler
David Charles Kopp
Carol Ruth Kramer
Henry Joseph Kreibach, Jr
Laura Lee Kuhlmann
Glenn David Kukla
Edie Carol Larson (Keski)
Patricia Ann Lee
Joan Phyllis Linblad
Darlene Joy Lipske
Sandra Lee Little (Fisher)
Lynn Lee Martin
Phillip M. Martin
Linda Jo Masick (Rumrill)
Sue Darlene Meinert (Thomas)
Joan Ann Mihic (Hickey)
James Frank Milcezny
Judith Morton (Clarke)
Pamela Ann Moss (McCabe)
Jeffrey William Munch
Kenneth John Muzal
Gail Elizabeth Pahnke (Osborne)
Diane A. Panzer (Giuliano)
Barry A. Pardee
Lynne J. Parker
Kathleen Jeanne Paul
Carol Ann Phetzing (Walksler)
Sue Marie Pickens (Riecker)
Harry William Raski
Gary James Rhodes
Robert K. Robinson
Lawrence John Rosenthal
Roy Rusch
Peter Richard Schell
Sandra R. Schroedel
Jean Sekenski (Balachowski)
Lynn D. Silberhorn (Holland)
Edward William Simpson
Gregory John Smith
James I. Smith
Kathleen P. Smith
Richard Edward Straight
Vicki Susan Strother (Wooley)
Robert Swedo
Lynne Louise Sweenie (Kammes)
Lavonne E. Tanswell (Fuller)
Trudy E. Tolg
Maryanne Tomin
Kevin Kerry Walker
Edward Cassell Wayman
Diane Elizabeth Whitehead
Phyllis Williams
Judith Lee Williamson
Craig Thomas Young
Barbara Jean Zersen