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02/06/23 12:33 PM #361    

Kerrin Anne Kinsey (Sgourakis)

Judy.  This is so heartbreaking.  I am so sorry.  


02/07/23 10:58 AM #362    

Diane Lynn Cass (Elder)

Bruce, so sorry for the loss of your daughter Ruthann

Judy and Paul,  so sorry for the loss of your son Jeffrey, its heartbreaking to hear when parents lose a child. May he rest in peace . . .

02/07/23 11:59 AM #363    

Judith Rae Long (Reinking)

Diane Cass Elder - Your works are so appreciated!  I'm getting out pictures to show neighbors who are coming over on Sat. to get to know Jeff - he did get here to visit ocassionally due to finding a dialysis center close by.  Had to go - 3 days a week for 6 hrs. each day.  Sat. with be both smiles and tears as I share his funny stories!!

Good to hear from you!!  Are you and Al doing good?  Hugs to you both

02/07/23 12:00 PM #364    

Judith Rae Long (Reinking)

Thank you Kerrin, This has been a tough time - as Bruce can agree!!


02/07/23 12:02 PM #365    

Judith Rae Long (Reinking)

Bruce - so devasting!!  Our kids are missed so much!!  Crying is helpful!  Hugs! 

You take care!!!

02/07/23 12:06 PM #366    

Judith Rae Long (Reinking)

Bill, thank you so much for sharing of my heartache!  It's such a kind gesture!  With all the others sending notes, I can't thank you all enough!!!


02/07/23 12:08 PM #367    

Judith Rae Long (Reinking)

Thank you Linda!!  I really appreciate your words here and on FB!  Accept your kindess!!


02/07/23 12:09 PM #368    

Judith Rae Long (Reinking)

Ethel Jean - thank you, as well, for your thoughts and prayers!!  So very helpful at this time!!


02/07/23 12:53 PM #369    


Mark Wieting

Judy, as one if the conveners of previous reunions, you are special to the Class of '63, so we all share your grief in the loss of J.P. and my heart goes out to you. Bonds made in our teens are amazingly strong sometimes, especially in a situation like you are enduring. I'm also sorry to hear about Paul; we were Pony League teammates and grew to love golf while caddying together at Glen Oak. Hugs back to you.

02/08/23 06:54 PM #370    

James Alan Bullard

Judy, so sorry for the loss of JP.  Our prayers are with you.

02/09/23 01:00 PM #371    

Susan Ann Harrington (Hauke)

Judy so sorry for the loss of your son. My heart aches for you. Lost my sister in May and think of her every day. Thinking of you and your family. Was not aware of Paul's illness. Prayers to you all.

02/10/23 11:55 AM #372    

Gerard 'Bud' Melto

Judy,  I want join our classmates in expressing my condolences on the lost of Paul.   Most of off I hope you can find some peace...I know it is a hard time.  Wishing the best for you and your family. 

02/10/23 03:02 PM #373    

Judith Rae Long (Reinking)

Thank you, Bud!  I appreciate your thoughts for my family!

04/25/23 11:23 AM #374    


Mark Wieting

All, here's a story that will jog your memory about the DuPage Theater, and the development that sits on its site. But the developers have saved some tributes to the theater, including the 1,600 lb. ticket booth.

Share your memories about the DuPage Theater?

And, for those of you in warmer climes, the bradford pears and redbud trees here are spectacular signs of spring, despite the high of 44 degrees today.


04/26/23 10:48 AM #375    


Thomas L. Bakos

I hope the Dairy Queen is still there.  It was at our last reunion.

I remember many afternoons in the DuPage ... the stars and the clouds ... and my youth.  I don't remember any movies I may have seen but I do remember the cost of a Snickers going from 5 cents to 10 cents.  It is strange the things we remember and which have an impact on our lives.

In any event, times change and an apartment building on that corner seems like an excellent idea.  It's right near the train station, as I recall.  I take note that things, in general, have changed enough that I am glad I found my way out of Illinois.  I worked in Chicago early on after graduating from college.  I remember also the1968 Democrat convention.  I walked through it after work on my way home.

The DuPage was a good memory and those early Chicago days were as well.  At least we have the memories.

04/26/23 03:21 PM #376    


Don Comfort

Hey Tom,

The corner of Main and Parkside definitely has a new look.  There is an eatery right on the corner now, but it couldn't possibly be better than the Blue Plate.  Moving south from the corner, the new building is mostly apartments and shops, up to where the theater parking lot was.  They are still working on the new building, so I do not have any more info to pass along. I'm sure the apartments are very nice.

Take care,




04/26/23 03:43 PM #377    


Don Comfort

P.S.  The Dairy Queen is still very much there.  I stop a couple times a month for the M & M Blizzard.  The DQ opened in 1952. I was 7 years old and remember my parents taking me there for Cherry Sundaes...I have expanded my taste buds.  BTW...we moved to Lombard in 1950.


04/27/23 10:49 AM #378    


Thomas L. Bakos

Don:  For me when, probably, pre-teen, it was the Dilly Bar.  Always hoping for a FREE Dilly which I got occassionally.  When older, it was the Slurppy.

05/03/23 09:54 PM #379    


Mark Wieting

For all of you fondly remembering Lilac Time in Lombard, it's May 6-21 this year, centering, of course, on Lilacia Park.

The parade is on the 21st at 1:30 pm, starting from Wilson and Main, either at East or close by. The official website is

One question for everyone that I stay up at night wondering about: do you pronounce it "Lie-lacks" or "Lie-locks"? Please weigh in on this forum to establish a consensus on this important question. If you don't want to write a touching memory of Lilac Time [totally permitted], just respond with lacks or locks.

Happy Lilac Time to all.

05/03/23 11:21 PM #380    

Bruce F. Burianek

I remember helping to build and riding in two parades with "IT" Club.  I always prounced it Lilac.

05/04/23 12:50 PM #381    


Linda Louise Crissey (Cotten)


We had lie-lack bushes in our yard on Maple Street

We participated in all the lie-lock time festivities.

We visited France where we were introduced to lay-lee-lahs.   



05/04/23 02:15 PM #382    

Gerard 'Bud' Melto

My Lilac Festval memories....marching in  junior high and  high school bands.  Six years of playing one song for what seemed like miles. Hated it almost as much as performing in football half time shows. Was accepted into Indiana University music school my freshman year....when I got my schedule  19 hours of marching band practice a week.  Major went from music to English.

05/04/23 03:50 PM #383    

Karen Kluender (Sewell)

Wow! That brings back memories!

05/04/23 10:43 PM #384    


Don Comfort


05/08/23 07:26 AM #385    


William Gibson Heller

Lacks or Locks, never thought about it before.  Guess I must be multi-lingual as I understand both.  Locks is closer to my pronunciation.

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